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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

WHAT'S UP WEDNESDAY: Encinitas Boat Houses

What in the world? On 3rd Street in Encinitas you'll find one of the oddest of all oddities, the infamous Encinitas Boat Houses. Built in the 1920's by who was possibly the craziest guy in town, these "boats" were never meant to be at sea. They were the product of the keen imagination of Miles Minor Kellogg who had a knack for taking old building materials and creating something new and unique. With a sea captain for a father, Kellogg's fascination with the sea combined with his skills as a builder was the impetus for creating what has certainly become one of the strangest buildings in America.

Man, I bet his neighbors were mad!

Today the boats are apartments but the people inside are used to cars slamming on their brakes to take a snapshot.  And while you're there in Encinitas, make sure you stop by Keilani's for some authentic Hawaiian plate lunch, 2 scoops of rice with a scoop of macaroni salad and a heaping mound of kalua pork sure sounds good to me.

This is my neighborhood, this is San Diego, and that's What's Up this Wednesday.  Come back in a couple to see what's cooking on Foodie Fridays!

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